Joy Chan Advertising Sdn. Bhd.

355-L&M, Jalan Melor, Taman Peringgit Jaya, 75400, Melaka

Tel 06-281 8999
Fax 06-283 9077

Joy Chan Advertising Sdn. Bhd. is owned solely by a Malaysian company based in Melaka. Established in a small shop lot.
Joy Chan Advertising grew and benefited from its core business signs for truck flecks.

In 1987, Joy Chan’s growing number of employees called for a larger facility to accommodate its growing business. Today,
Joy Chan Advertising is situated at 355 L & M Jalan Melor, Taman Peringgit Jaya, 75400 Melaka. A spacious facility with separate shop spaces, large offices and a design studio, with a state-of-the-art sign, our covered and heated garage facilities allow vehicle sign installation to take space at any time, any weather.

Local and international customers have Joy Chan Advertising promoting their business and services.
To date, Joy Chan Advertising Sdn. Bhd. is one of the most experienced sign makers in town.

About JOY Logo
Joy has simplified their logo recently, and their name from “JOY CHAN AVERTISING” to the abbreviation “JOY”. Besides creating a shorter brand name, they also increased the amount
of color used on the logo to symbolized the multicolored of JOY in design world.

JOY has grown tremendously by clearly focusing on the goal of enabling design & commerce around the globe ever since 1975.

JOY CHAN has over 30 years of experience in advertising and graphic design. During this period the world of graphic design and print has undergone a technical revolution which has changed the way we communicate information.

JOY CHAN have grown and evolved within this ever-changing environment, from the days of drawing boards, marker pens and dry-transfer lettering to today’s digital design, e-commerce and multimedia.

Exceptional design solutions have always been a vital tool in marketing and selling of products and ideas.
The use of new media gives you more exciting ways to express yourself. The internet means businesses are competing in world markets, so now it is even more important to stand out from the bigger crowd.

JOY CHAN is still involved with the company, but turned the business over to his son, EDISON CHAN in 1997. Soon after taking over the company, Edison began expanding the range of services, including a new production facility, and many new types of sign products especially Neon and LED, making JOY CHAN ADVERTISING an industry leader in Melaka with multi-services.

Most of our business is repeat customers and their referrals, people who have experienced satisfaction with our quality products and services and keep coming back.

With us, it’s simple. If there are problems, we fix them. We believe in being responsive to our customers and adapting to their way of doing business. We stand behind our integrity, delivering a quality product on time at a fair price.

“Customer satisfaction is our top priority.”


JOY Mission Statement
To design and manufacture signage of all types using quality materials, superior artistic values and excellent craftmanship according to its customers needs at fair and reasonable prices and also incorporating ethical values and standards into all business relationships.

JOY Vision
“A Business with no sign is a sign of no business.”
To maintain market leadership through constant investments in using state-of-the-art technology in printing and sign crafts.

JOY Team
“We are the left brain. We are the right brain.”
We work closely with a creative team of best-in-class specialists and many dedicated employees with years of experience. We create solutions that have substance and capacity to change people’s minds and touch people’s hearts. WE DO create solutions that are big enough to move entire markets. 

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